The Purpose and The Future Plan

I'm Amber, the person behind the scenes. I have a fierce drive to bring upliftment to those around me. 

My husband of 8 years and our 2 children give me the strength to wake up every day with a purpose.

A purpose to create a life full of love, laughter and adventures.

I'm a front porch coffee sipping, adventure seeking, backwoods riding, semi nontoxic living, DIY doing, book reading and big dreamer, kinda girl. 


I want to be your hype girl! To give you a high five simply because it's Monday and you put pants on today. To celebrate you and all your achievements. To lift you back up when you've been knocked down. 


The Purpose : 

- To embrace women to be confident in themselves and to live a life that truly makes them happy. 

Happiness is different for everybody. However, being truly happy means to you, I want that for YOU. 

I want so much for you to wake up energized, happy, thriving, and living a life you love. 


Slide on over to the Ambitious and Strength Facebook Page for a more day to day aspect of my mission to support, uplift and build confidence into others. Introduce yourself while you're there. I'd really love to get to know you. 

I am also on Instagram as @ambitious.redhead


The Future Plan : 

- To create a space that builds and lifts women up.

- To create true genuine friendships amongst others. 

(Personal Family Plan)

To build a farmhouse on as many acres as we can maintain.

To have chickens + a rooster roaming the property.

(Husbands wish for as long as I've known him)


With my husband currently serving in the military, the last part of our future plan is put on hold. In the meantime, we'll travel wherever the military sends us and take in the opportunity to live in various parts of the country. 

I'm truly so thankful you are here. No matter what stage of life you are in, you shouldn't have to navigate alone. 

I'll be here sharing encouragement, empowerment, ways to overcome insecurities, nontoxic living How-To's, healthy recipes, DIY's, money saving tips and anything else that supports my mission to help women become truly happy.

I hope you'll stay along for the ride. 

XOXO, Amber